St Pauls Cathedral by Colin Ruffell
ST PAULS CATHEDRAL ... September 29, 2019... | Colin Ruffell ... Yesterday I delivered the latest batch of fine-art prints and greetings...

Vernissage is a ‘Private View’ invitation day with a bunch of extra benefits.

Spring Fair Most Popular Artists
Exactly a year ago I wrote a blog-post about the Spring Fair. This is where and when the professional art, design, furnishing, and gift...

Looking Forward to 2017 and Skylarks Singing
Skylarks singing, dewdrops on cobwebs, and flowers. January the first 2017. I am getting dozens of emails, Facebook posts, Twitter, and...

How to get into galleries.
A lot of artists want to exhibit in commercial art galleries. They see it as recognition of their quality as an artist.

Amateurs and professionals in the art business.
'Art Business Today' magazine Jan 2011 Amateurs and professionals in the art business. I have heard it estimated that there are 100...

How to sell your art.
How to sell your art. This is the biggie. The big question that successful artists get asked all the time. And of course the answer is...